Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reset Day 4

Well, it's Reset Day 4 and I'm still going strong.  My energy is up and I'm not having any cravings.  I thought I might crave some Chardonnay (I love wine LOL), but haven't even thought about it.  I love the P.I.N.K Method!  I keep telling the other Pink in the Pod (La-vie) that we are going to be looking soooo good because this program is so easy to do, and we're still on Reset.  When we move to the other phases we will have more food options.  This is a win - win weightloss program in my opinion.  As always, today's meals are below.

Until my next post....

Think P.I.N.K

                                             Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad
                                                                      Sliced Tomatoes
                                                                      Raw Carrots

                                             Dinner: Grilled Salmon
                                                           Sliced Tomatoes

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